“…For example, LW(f) Gryllus are less efficient at converting digested food into body mass, potentially indicating a metabolic cost of flight capacity (Mole & Zera, 1993, 1994). Yet, LW crickets may offset greater energy use by exhibiting higher rates of food consumption, which has been shown in Gryllus firmus (Mole & Zera, 1994; but see Clark et al, 2016) and Gryllus lineaticeps (Treidel et al, 2021), but not in Gryllus rubens or Gryllus assimilis (Mole & Zera, 1993; Zera et al, 1998). Less studied is whether SW crickets exhibit greater reproductive investment because they more efficiently allocate ingested resources to ovary mass, or because they simply ingest more food thereby facilitating increased allocation to reproductive tissue.…”