ABSTRACT. Due to the presence of pollutants in aquatic systems, this research aims to analyze toxicity levels of Faena Clásico ® , Asuntol ® , sodium hypochlorite and diesel on Macrobrachium tenellum juveniles. For the purpose of this study, specimens from 2 to 4 cm in length were used. For glyphosate, hypochlorite and coumaphos bio-assays, a total of 8 individuals were placed per experimental unit, however, only 5 individuals were placed for diesel. Dead individuals were counted at the end of 24 h of exposure. All bioassays were performed in quintuplicate plus a negative control. The mean lethal concentration (LC50) was calculated by a Probit analysis and standard error. The mean lethal concentrations obtained are given at 6 h of exposure for 16 mL L -1 of diesel aqueous extract; and 24 h of exposure, solutions of Asuntol ® 6 mg L . Results show that the different chemicals assessed generate harmful damage to M. tenellum, since agrochemical compounds can cause alterations in the composition of ecosystems, reducing biodiversity in a temporarily or permanently manner.