SUMMARYThe seasonal response matrix of gas exchange and nitrogenase activity in Coltema furfuraceum is presented for a number of factorial combinations of light, thallus temperature (5, I 5, 25 and 30 to 3 5 °C) and thallus water content, throughout the year. The results indicate C. furfuraceum is adapted both to the relatively xeric environment of its corticolous habitat as well as to the low temperatures experienced in its low-arctic environment. Of particular interest is the absence of a summer thermal stress response, which eliminates or severely reduces nitrogenase activity during the summer months in some lichens growing in more southerly localities. Equally, ambient temperatures during the winter, which can drop to minus 41 °C, do not affect nitrogenase activity and confirm the resistance of the nitrogenase enzymes in the intact thallus, to low temperatures.There is a remarkable degree of uniformity in the net photosynthetic response matrix, at most light levels, at all experimental temperatures and at all times of the year. The total absence of seasonal photosynthetic acclimation as well as the seasonal constancy of photosynthetic capacity is discussed in terms of differential strategies in contrasting environments.
I N r R O D U C T I O NIn a number of previous papers in this series we have described metabolic changes in net photosynthetic rate, respiration rate and nitrogenase activity on a seasonal basis, for a number of lichen populations (Kershaw, 1977a, b; MacFarlane and Kershaw, 1977, 1980a, b). Similarly Larson (1980) has examined seasonal changes in rates of net photosynthesis and respiration in several species of Umbilicaria.The marked summer decline of nitrogenase activity in Peltigera (MacFarlane and Kershaw, 1977) was shown to be due to summer temperature stress. Conversely, the elimination of nitrogenase activity under the winter snow-pack was shown to be due to the depletion of the carbohydrate pool supplying energy to the reaction in the dark, rather than the direct inactivation of the nitrogenase enzymes by freezing temperatures as had previously been suggested (Alexander and Kallio, 1976; Kallio, Kallio and Rasku, 1976; Crittenden and Kershaw, 1979). MacF'arlane and Kersbaw concluded that low rates of nitrogenase activity under snow cover result from prolonged darkness rather than the prevailing freezing temperatures. Subsequent recovery is equally controlled by radiant energy with temperature playing a subordinate role. Casual observation of an abundance of the lichen Collema furfuraceum, containing Nostoc as a phycobiont, on trees on sand bars in and along the river at Moosonee in north Ontario, offered the means of confirming our previous interpretation of the seasonal changes in nitrogenase activity in other lichens.0028-646>;/K2/()4()72.^ + 12 SO.IOO/O