A population of >6 million people worldwide at high risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD) are those with Down Syndrome (DS, caused by trisomy 21 (T21)), 70% of whom develop dementia during lifetime, caused by an extra copy of β-amyloid-(Aβ)-precursor-protein gene. We report AD-like pathology in cerebral organoids grown in vitro from non-invasively sampled strands of hair from 71% of DS donors. The pathology consisted of extracellular diffuse and fibrillar Aβ deposits, hyperphosphorylated/pathologically conformed Tau, and premature neuronal loss.Presence/absence of AD-like pathology was donor-specific (reproducible between individual organoids/iPSC lines/experiments). Pathology could be triggered in pathology-negative T21 organoids by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated elimination of the third copy of chromosome-21-gene BACE2, but prevented by combined chemical β and γ-secretase inhibition. We found that T21organoids secrete increased proportions of Aβ-preventing (Aβ1-19) and Aβ-degradation products (Aβ1-20 and Aβ1-34). We show these profiles mirror in cerebrospinal fluid of people with DS.We demonstrate that this protective mechanism is mediated by BACE2-trisomy and crossinhibited by clinically trialled BACE1-inhibitors. Combined, our data prove the physiological role of BACE2 as a dose-sensitive AD-suppressor gene, potentially explaining the dementia delay in ~30% of people with DS. We also show that DS cerebral organoids could be explored as pre-morbid AD-risk population detector and a system for hypothesis-free drug screens as well as identification of natural suppressor genes for neurodegenerative diseases.These studies uncovered that BACE2 can cleave the product of β-secretase (APP β-CTF) between aa19 and aa20, generating a 1-19 fragment [13][14][15] , thereby potentially preventing the formation of amyloidogenic Aβ, and degrading the β-CTF that has been implicated in neuronal toxicity, and impairment of several neuronal functions, such as axonal transport and autophagy 16 .When offered synthetic Aβ40/42 peptides in solution, purified BACE2 protein can rapidly degrade them by cutting after aa20 and aa34, to generate the 1-20 and 1-34 peptide products, but only at very acidic pH (3.5-4). In this reaction, BACE2 is 150-fold more efficient than BACE1, which is also capable of this cleavage, upon conditions of increased enzyme concentration/time 12,14 . Neither of these two putative anti-amyloidogenic actions of BACE2 (the θ-secretase activity, generating aa1-19, or the Aβ-degrading-protease activity (AβDP or Aβ clearance) generating aa1-20 and aa1-34), have yet been demonstrated to be the functional role of BACE2 under physiologically fluctuating gene doses in vivo in the human brain. A naturally occurring form of gene overdose for both APP and BACE2 is DS, caused by the trisomy of human chromosome 21 (T21) that harbours both APP and BACE2 genes. As increased levels of soluble Aβ were observed already in foetal brains in DS 17 , we examined cerebral organoids grown from induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) generated by non-integr...