Reaction of certain peptides and proteins with singlet oxygen (generated by visible light in the presence of rose bengal dye) yields long-lived peptide and protein peroxides. Incubation of these peroxides with glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, in the absence of added metal ions, results in loss of enzymatic activity. Comparative studies with a range of peroxides have shown that this inhibition is concentration, peroxide, and time dependent, with H 2 O 2 less efficient than some peptide peroxides. Enzyme inhibition correlates with loss of both the peroxide and enzyme thiol residues, with a stoichiometry of two thiols lost per peroxide consumed. Blocking the thiol residues prevents reaction with the peroxide. This stoichiometry, the lack of metal-ion dependence, and the absence of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)-detectable species, is consistent with a molecular (nonradical) reaction between the active-site thiol of the enzyme and the peroxide. A number of low-molecular-mass compounds including thiols and ascorbate, but not Trolox C, can prevent inhibition by removing the initial peroxide, or species derived from it. In contrast, glutathione reductase and lactate dehydrogenase are poorly inhibited by these peroxides in the absence of added Fe 2+ -EDTA. The presence of this metal-ion complex enhanced the inhibition observed with these enzymes consistent with the occurrence of radicalmediated reactions. Overall, these studies demonstrate that singlet oxygen-mediated damage to an initial target protein can result in selective subsequent damage to other proteins, as evidenced by loss of enzymatic activity, via the formation and subsequent reactions of protein peroxides. These reactions may be important in the development of cellular dysfunction as a result of photo-oxidation.