Background: Bronchiectasis is marked by persistent respiratory infections, a productive cough, shortness of breath, and a decreased ability to exercise. In Pierre robin Mandibular distraction is a current effective therapeutic approach for elongating the jaw and resolving obstruction of the respiratory system. The goal of the treatment is to relieve the dyspnoea and increase the chest expansion. Treatment options may involve modified postural drainage positioning, breathing exercises, acapella device, aerobic exercises, and mandibular distraction with physiotherapeutic management. Case presentation: A 15 years old girl visited the hospital with complaints of dyspnoea (MMRC grade IV), productive cough, weight loss for one month, and a history of pulmonary arterial hypertension 2 years back. Investigations: investigations include HRCT scan of the thorax which revealed patchy areas of centrilobular consolidation and 2D echo shows severe pulmonary arterial hypertension. Treatment: Physiotherapy management included patient education, breathing exercises, airway clearance techniques, acapella device, positioning and mandibular distraction. Outcome measures have shown improvement in aerobic capacity and performance of activities of daily living.