Herewith we have the pleasure to resubmit the paper entitled : "On the stability and nature of adsorbed pentene in Brønsted acid zeolite H-ZSM-5 at 323 K" by J. Hajek , J. Van der Mynsbrugge, K. De Wispelaere , P. Cnudde, L. Vanduyfhuys, M. Waroquier and V. Van Speybroeck, for publication in Journal of Catalysis.We have received the comments of two reviewers which were very positive and which suggest publication subject to some major/minor revisions. We have taken them all into account in the revised version. In separate documents we give a substantial reply to the reviewers that carefully addresses the issues raised in the reviewer's comments. We have added an author (Louis Vanduyfhuys) in the list. During the revision process he has given a very constructive contribution in a correct thermodynamic analysis of the metadynamics results. As requested by one of the reviewers, we re-analyzed all our MD results. We hope that you are willing to accept this slight change in the author list.We further hope that the manuscript is now suitable for publication. Reply to reviewer #1 :We thank the reviewer for his/her careful reading of the manuscript with manuscript number JCAT-16-151. We try to give a valuable reply to all comments which were all very constructive. Reviewer's comments are printed in blue.1. The DFT calculations have been carried out at 0 K by optimizing the geometry at the RPBE+D3 level and then conducting single point calculations with other functionals. While the general conclusions drawn from the calculations are independent of the functional chosen, it would be very useful to know whether geometry optimization with a better functional would change the conclusion about the relative stability of the -complex and alkoxide structures.The authors completely agree with the major concern of the reviewer regarding the reliability of the geometry optimization based on one level of theory (PBE+D3). This functional has proven to be reliable in many periodic static calculations on nanoporous materials, but to remove any doubt we performed new geometry optimizations and frequency calculations for 2-pentene π-complex and 2-pentoxide using BEEF-vdW functional .[1] Geometrical details of the selected structures with PBE-D3 and BEEF-vdW functionals are given in Table 1. The comparison of free energy ΔG and enthalpy ΔH differences between BEEF-vdW //PBE D3 and BEEF-vdW // BEEF-vdW is given in Table 2. The energy differences are very similar with each other, and support the conclusions made in the paper. These additional results have been included in
*Revision NotesWe thank the reviewer for this remark and reformulated the sentence slightly. The origin of larger adsorption enthalpies for the -complex is indeed related to usage of optimized geometries, which take into account only one point on the potential energy surface. Our MD simulations show that in reality at finite temperatures, the -complex can adopt various geometries leading to a probability distribution as shown in Figure 3 of the main manuscript. This dis...