A complete kinetic modeling of an ionized gas in contact with a surface requires the knowledge of the electron desorption time and the electron sticking coefficient. We calculate the desorption time for phononmediated desorption of an image-bound electron as it occurs, for instance, on dielectric surfaces where desorption channels involving internal electronic degrees of freedom are closed. Because of the large depth of the polarization-induced surface potential with respect to the Debye energy, multiphonon processes are important. To obtain the desorption time, we use a quantum-kinetic rate equation for the occupancies of the boundelectron surface states, taking two-phonon processes into account in cases where one-phonon processes yield a vanishing transition probability as it is sufficient, for instance, for graphite. For an electron desorbing from a graphite surface at 360 K, we find a desorption time of 2 ϫ 10 −5 s. We also demonstrate that depending on the potential depth and bound-state level spacing, the desorption scenario changes. In particular, we show that desorption via cascades over bound states dominates unless direct one-phonon transitions from the lowest bound state to the continuum are possible.