Amorpha fruticosa L. is a kenophyte of North American origin, ergaziophyte. Currently, this species naturalized over large areas and became the background on the coast waters of the Dnieper reservoirs of hydropower stations. It is necessary to clarify the reasons for the distribution of A. fruticosa populations in different parts of the Middle Dnieper coast under conditions of artificial regulation of its water yield. It has been proven that the high buoyancy of A. fruticosa fruits provides the possibility of its active dispersal along river beds in a natural way under conditions of fluctuations in the level of surface water yield right in spring floods. The main and determining factor in the active dissemination of the species on the coast of the Kanev and Kremenchug reservoirs is the frequent variability of the maximum water surface level. The narrow altitudinal range of distribution of this species on the coast in the lower parts, and accordingly, wider in the upper parts of the reservoirs is determined by the corresponding indicators of water level differences. The possibility of artificial regulation of the water surface level with knowledge of the characteristics of hydrochory of this invasive species makes it possible to influence its distribution in the territory near the reservoirs.