Anvillea radiata is used in traditional medicine for the treatment of chest colds, indigestion, and gastrointestinal disorders. Our plant has hypoglycaemic, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial activity and is used for the treatment of dysentery.We have investigated the analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity of the aqueous extract of Anvillea radiata. In analgesic activity, we have used mice of the strain NMRI Albinos, weighing between 26 and 38 g (in vivo study). Acetic acid was used to induce writhes in mice, and the evaluation of the analgesic activity shows that the aqueous extract at 150 mg/kg of our plant induces a decrease in the number of abdominal cramps caused by 1% acetic acid. The aqueous extract of our plant has an analgesic effect almost equal to that of Diclofenac; in fact, the latter causes a pain inhibition of 30.28 1.1% and that of Anvillea radiata of 28.71 2.1% for a concentration of 150 mg/ kg. Our results of this research indicated that Anvillea radiata inhibited inflammation, which could explain its use in traditional medicine.