“…Tagetes species (Asteraceae) as well as M. azaderach (Meliaceae) and T. vogelii (Fabaceae) are other plants with an interesting potential to be tested, depending on cabbage production zones. Other unlisted extracts from plants ( Achillea millefolium (Asteraceae), Bidens pilosa (Asteraceae), Bougainvillea glabra (Nyctaginaceae), Chenopodium ambrosioides (Chenopodiaceae), Datura suaveolens (Solanaceae), Enterolobium contortisilliquum (Fabaceae), Stryphnodendron adstringens (Fabaceae) Mentha crispa (Lamiaceae), Plumbago capensis (Plumbaginaceae), Pothomorphe umbellate (Piperaceae), Sapindus saponaria (Sapindaceae), Solanum cernuum (Solanaceae), Symphytum officinale (Boraginaceae), Trichilia catigua (Meliaceae) and Ludwigia spp (Onagraceae)) [ 239 , 240 ] and management tactics (microbial control, biological control, cultural control, mating disruption, insecticide rotation strategies, and plant resistance) [ 241 ] have been explored on P. xylostella .…”