Phytoremediation is an innovative tool which can be used for the treatment of industrial and agricultural wastewater. Typha latifolia L. (T. latifolia L) is an aquatic plant which grows on petroleum secondary effluent (PSE) containing metals like cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), manganese (Mn) and TPH (total petroleum hydrocarbon). The growth performance in biomass, nutrient concentrations and heavy metals in parts of the T. latifolia L. The reason for the accumulation of Cd, Co and Mn in T. latifolia L. can be explained as a tolerance strategy due to its transfer index (TI) which is higher than 2.9. The enrichment coefficients of the metals present in the root compared to stem of T. latifolia L. were higher than 3.31 to 2.56 for Cd, 5.35 to 3.55 Co. But, for Mn were found to be lower 1.98 than 3.51 at 75%. Similarly, the enrichment coefficients of all the metals, except for Co, in roots of T. latifolia L. were higher than 5.36. (TI) for Co (2.95) and Mn (2.55) which is absolutely better as compared to the enrichment coefficients of Cd (2.35) and TPH (3.45) in PSE. Thus, there is a possibility that PSE could be a source of important nutrients.