mTOR kinase is one of the basic links at the crossroad of several signal transduction pathways. De re gulated mTOR kinase signaling accompanies the progress of cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative disorders and aging. Implication of mTOR inhibitor rapamycin decreases migration and invasion of malignant cells, and metastasis formation. However, a precise mechanism of the regulation of cellular locomotion by mTOR kinase is not fully understood. This article focuses on the recent fi ndings that demonstrated a possible role of mTOR kinase in the regulation of cytoskeleton remodeling and cell migration properties. Detailed studies on this non-canonical mTOR function will extend our knowledge about cell migration and metastasis formation and might improve anti-cancer therapeutic approaches.K e y w o r d s: mTOR signaling, rapamycin, cytoskeleton remodeling, intermediate fi laments, microtubules, cancer metastasis.