Based on the Epistemology and Psychology Genetic Jean Piaget, the present study aimed to characterize the conduct of gaming in school the 5th, 7th and 9th grades of elementary school, analyze the mistakes made by the students, to identify the levels of reflective abstraction and relate reflective abstraction levels to conduct gaming. Participants were thirty students in the public schools, respectively 10 students in the 5th , 7th and 9th grades of elementary school. The selection of participants was obtained through random draw. The procedure for data collection featured four individual meetings that were used in the Proof of Abstractions from actions Displacements and their Coordinators and the game Rush Hour. The data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. When considering the successful solution of the letters of challenge with the minimum number of shifts, significant differences were found between the proportion of the same ten cards. With respect to the conduct of gaming, we find four levels of conduct (I , IIA , IIB and III ) is that most of our students had the level II of conduct. The errors we found seven types of them among our participants and, more specifically, three of them were statistically more significant. Relating the errors and conduct the game, we found that game more evolved behaviors are directly related to fewer mistakes. The test of Tukey multiple comparisons indicated that the error rate was significantly higher for the level of gaming behavior IIA, as well as the participants of the 5th year made more errors when compared to participants in the 9th grade. To characterize the levels of reflective abstraction, found in all four school levels described (I , IIA , IIB and III ). Relate to the conduct of play and levels of reflective abstraction, quantitatively not configured a significant association ( chi-square test ), however, the statistical test results was evaluated with caution and qualitatively observe an evolution that follows in parallel and indicates that as the level progresses from reflexive abstraction , also advances the level of gaming behavior. These data allowed us to infer that in order to succeed with the minimum number of letters offsets the challenge of the game Rush Hour no need of reasoning surgery. The implications psycho, this study may constitute a resource to know "how" guys play Rush Hour and how to pass a level of gaming behavior most basic to a more evolved. Furthermore, the procedures used for the collection and analysis of data can serve as a benchmark for future studies and for the practice of psycho interventions.