Let ℓ be a rational prime. Given a superelliptic curve C/k of ℓ-power degree, we describe the field generated by the ℓ-power torsion of the Jacobian variety in terms of the branch set and reduction type of C (and hence, in terms of data determined by a suitable affine model of C). If the Jacobian is good away from ℓ and the branch set is defined over a pro-ℓ extension of k(µ ℓ ∞ ) unramified away from ℓ, then the ℓ-power torsion of the Jacobian is rational over the maximal such extension.By decomposing the covering into a chain of successive cyclic ℓcoverings, the mod ℓ Galois representation attached to the Jacobian is decomposed into a block upper triangular form. The blocks on the diagonal of this form are further decomposed in terms of the Tate twists of certain subgroups Ws of the quotients of the Jacobians of consecutive coverings.The result is a natural extension of earlier work by Anderson and Ihara, who demonstrated that a stricter condition on the branch locus guarantees the ℓ-power torsion of the Jacobian is rational over the fixed field of the kernel of the canonical pro-ℓ outer Galois representation attached to an open subset of P 1 .