Transient absorption following generation of free carriers in the bulk of CeBr3 shows that the Ce 3+* excited state responsible for scintillation light emission in this material is populated with a 10% to 90% rise time of 540 femtoseconds. The Stokes shift of luminescence from this Ce 3+* (4f, 5d) Frenkel exciton establishes that it is self-localized by lattice relaxation. Charge transfer transitions from the valence band to the 4f hole component of the Ce 3+* (4f,5d) lattice-relaxed exciton and from its 5d electron component to the conduction band are identified for the first time in CeBr3. In LaBr3:Ce, energy transfer from bromine-based relaxed excitons to the Ce 3+ dopant closest to the point of exciton localization occurred in tens of picoseconds depending on Ce concentration, whereas in CeBr3 the bromine-based relaxed exciton transfers energy to the Ce 3+* (4f,5d) exciton in 540 fs. We failed to find evidence of any significant signature of Ce 4+ , i.e. holes trapped on Ce 3+ ions, in excited CeBr3 or LaBr3:Ce in the spectral range 0.41 to 2.16 eV. The accurate timesequencing of population in different excited-state and trapped-charge species involved in energy storage, transport, and emission after ionizing excitation is useful for understanding the fundamental mechanisms at work in scintillation as they may influence light yield, its proportionality to energy deposition, and energy resolution. Isolating the specific rise time of population in the emitting state from the other known contributors to coincidence-timing of gamma rays contributes information to the search for novel advances in ultrafast time-of-flight detection.