The target element concentration ratios of Zn-Cr-Sn-O(ZCTO) thin films with different sputtering parameters prepared by radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering were analyzed by picosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (PS-LIBS). PS-LIBS method was employed to measure the thickness of the thin film in the depth profile of the ZCTO sample. The measured value of PS-LIBS is 372 ± 53 nm, presenting a small error with the actual value. The band gap of ZCTO thin-film samples is closely associated with the content ratio of the Sn element, which increases as sputtering power and sputtering pressure increase. As illustrated by comparing the relationship between the value of energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and transmittance, the band gap of ZCTO films increases with the increasing Sn/Zn content ratio. This can be represented by the LIBS spectral line of the corresponding element. Then, the Sn/Zn ratio of the films prepared under different sputtering parameters was quantitatively analyzed. The calibration curve of a single sputtering variable was obtained, while the rapid quantitative analysis of the Sn/Zn ratio based on multiple sputtering variables was realized. Moreover, the rapid micro-analysis of ZCTO films by the picosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy method was realized using this method.