We describe an experimental investigation of the generation and detection of picosecond acoustic-phonon pulses in a thin slab of GaAs using ultrashort optical pulses. Comparison of the optical phase variation with a simple theory for ambipolar diffusion indicates that carrier diffusion has a significant effect on the shape of the phonon pulses generated. The phonon pulse duration is measured to be ϳ25 ps, four times longer than that expected from optical-absorption considerations alone, indicating that hot carriers penetrate more than 100 nm into the sample during the phonon pulse generation process. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.64.081202 PACS number͑s͒: 73.50.Ϫh, 43.35.ϩd, 62.65.ϩk Ultrafast carrier diffusion in semiconductors has been studied by a variety of experimental techniques. Ultrashort pulse optical pump and probe methods based on the measurement of optical reflectivity, electro-optic sampling or luminescence, including near-field methods, have been applied to the measurement of diffusion of hot carriers in bulk semiconductors and quantum nanostructures in the lateral or through-thickness directions.1-4 The detection principle in this case involves the coupling of the carriers to the electric field of the optical wave. Optical pump and probe methods can also exploit the coupling of the carriers to strain, and can be used to monitor carrier diffusion from the shape of the acoustic-phonon pulses generated, a technique that involves the pulse-echo methods of laser picosecond acoustics. 5,6 The penetration of hot carriers perpendicular to metal surfaces when excited with an ultrashort optical pulse has been shown to broaden the phonon pulses generated.7 Laser acoustics studies with nanosecond or sub-nanosecond temporal resolution in crystalline Ge and Cd x S 1Ϫx Se have demonstrated that carrier diffusion similarly affects acoustic generation in semiconductors. 8,9 However, there have been no studies of the effect of carrier diffusion on acoustic generation in semiconductors with picosecond time resolution. This is unfortunate in view of the pressing need for such studies to support industrial development in quantitative nondestructive evaluation of integrated circuits or semiconductor nanostructures. There are also possible applications in the field of GHz-THz acousto-optic modulation in ultrahigh speed semiconductor devices. Moreover, probing carrier diffusion on ultrashort timescales from acoustic measurements provides an interesting perspective on the time-and space-dependent nonequilibrium carrier distribution, because it allows depth profiling of the carrier penetration into the bulk.7 Despite this fundamental and practical interest previous laser picosecond acoustics experiments with semiconductor thin films involved complex GaAs multilayer geometries, and were not designed for the investigation of carrier diffusion. [10][11][12][13] There are several challenging experimental problems related to such studies of carrier diffusion in crystalline semiconductors on picosecond timescales. First one must ove...