This paper focuses on speed tracking control of the maglev train operation system. Given the complexity and instability of the maglev train operation system, traditional speed-tracking control algorithms demonstrate poor tracking accuracy and large tracking errors. The maglev train is easily affected by external interference, increasing train energy consumption and reducing passengers’ riding comfort. This study proposes a control algorithm called APSO-NLADRC to address the deficiencies of the automatic train operation control algorithms. The APSO-NLADRC is based on adaptive particle swarm optimization (APSO) algorithm parameter optimization nonlinear active disturbance rejection controller (NLADRC). The method of population comparison, linear update of learning factors, and adaptive updating of inertia weight values addresses the premature convergence phenomenon that occurs during the parameter optimization of the traditional particle swarm algorithm. The APSO algorithm solves the problem that the parameters of the NLADRC are difficult to adjust. Compared with PID, NLADRC, and NLADRC based on traditional particle swarm optimization algorithms, the proposed control algorithm has higher tracking accuracy and more robust anti-interference capability and provides better comfort.