Understanding how polypeptides can efficiently and reproducibly attain a self-entangled conformation is a compelling biophysical challenge, which might shed new light on our general knowledge of protein folding. Complex Lassos, namely self-entangled protein structures characterized by a covalent loop sealed by a cysteine bridge, represent an ideal test system in the framework of entangled folding. Indeed, as cysteine bridges form in oxidizing conditions, they can be used as on/off switches of the structure topology, to investigate the role played by the backbone entanglement in the process.In the present work we have used molecular dynamics to simulate the folding of a complex lasso glycoprotein, Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, modeling both reducing and oxidizing conditions. Together with a wellestablished Gō-like description, we have employed the elastic folder model, a Coarse-Grained, minimalistic representation of the polypeptide chain, driven by a structure-based angular potential. The purpose of this study is to assess the kinetically optimal pathways, in relation to the formation of the native topology. To this end we have implemented an evolutionary strategy that tunes the elastic folder model potentials to maximize the folding probability within the early stages of the dynamics. The resulting protein model is capable of folding with high success rate, avoiding the kinetic traps that hamper the efficient folding in the other tested models. Employing specifically designed topological descriptors, we could observe that the selected folding routes avoid the topological bottleneck by locking the cysteine bridge after the topology is formed.These results provide valuable insights on the selection of mechanisms in self-entangled protein folding while, at the same time, the proposed methodology can complement the usage of established minimalistic models, and draw useful guidelines for more detailed simulations.Manuscript submitted to Biophysical Journal 1 C. Perego and R. Potestio chain, forming a non-trivial topology. Since Leptin was classified as the first CL protein(20), this topological state has been found to be widespread in the known PDB structures, characterizing about 18% of the proteins containing a cysteine bridge(21). Most of the CLs are secreted proteins, with signaling functions, and their topology is believed to have a crucial role in their biological activity (22,23). Moreover, the topology of CLs can be controlled externally, since the cysteine bridge is stable in an oxidizing solution, while it does not form in a reducing environment. This feature allows one to directly study the effect of the topological barrier on the folding mechanism, electing CLs as ideal test systems for a deeper understanding of entangled folding.As for simple proteins, the experimental probe of folding pathways in self-entangled proteins such as CLs can only provide indirect indications. For this reason Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation represents an essential, complementary tool for the study of the...