Cells inhabit a mechanical microenvironment that they
sense and adapt to. The plasma membrane (PM), serving as the boundary
of the cell, plays a pivotal role in this process of adaptation. In
this Review, we begin by examining well-studied processes where mechanoregulation
proves significant. Specifically, we highlight examples from the immune
system and stem cells, besides discussing processes involving fibroblasts
and other cell types. Subsequently, we discuss the common molecular
players that facilitate the sensing of the mechanical signal and transform
it into a chemical response covering integrins YAP/TAZ and Piezo.
We then review how this understanding of molecular elements is leveraged
in drug discovery and tissue engineering alongside a discussion of
the methodologies used to measure mechanical properties. Focusing
on the processes of endocytosis, we discuss how cells may respond
to altered membrane mechanics using endo- and exocytosis. Through
the process of depleting/adding the membrane area, these could also
impact membrane mechanics. We compare pathways from studies illustrating
the involvement of endocytosis in mechanoregulation, including clathrin-mediated
endocytosis (CME) and the CLIC/GEEC (CG) pathway as central examples.
Lastly, we review studies on cell–cell fusion during myogenesis,
the mechanical integrity of muscle fibers, and the reported and anticipated
roles of various molecular players and processes like endocytosis,
thereby emphasizing the significance of mechanoregulation at the PM.