In this article, low dielectric loss pure or Mndoped BiFeO 3 -Bi(Zn 1/2 Ti 1/2 )O 3 -BaTiO 3 (BF-BZT-BT) lead-free piezoceramics with various compositions were prepared using a refined solid state reaction electroceramic processing. The rhombohedral-pseudocubic structural phase boundary was determined with powder X-ray diffraction method and found dependent on ceramic grain size, which shifts far away from the BF-rich corner with increasing microstructure grain size. In contrast to BF-BT binary system, low dielectric loss was understood by mechanism of reduction of oxygen vacancies with doping MnO 2 combined with stabilization of Bi-perovskite phase by adding BZT third member. Full piezoresponse of d 33 C 145 pC/N was obtained in the Mn-doped BF-xBZTyBT (0.01 \ x \ 0.05 and 0.27 B y B 0.31) coarsegrained ceramics near the structural phase boundary, in agreement with prediction by relationship of d 33 = ae 33 -be 33 2 . Ferroelectric polarization subswitching and related low piezoresponse observed in the BZT-riched ceramics were observed and argued extrinsically resulting from residual internal stresses. Primary experiments showed annealing and subsequent quenching treatment eliminate residual internal stresses and increase piezoresponse for the BZT-riched ceramics.