Background: Orthochromatic leukodystrophy with pigmented glia and scavenger cells is a rare leukodystrophy of unknown etiology. This report describes a 42-year-old man with a history of depression, dementia and parkinsonism having the pathological features of orthochromatic leukodystrophy with pigmented glia. Methods: We reviewed the clinical history and pathology of autopsy and brain biopsy material. Results: Imaging revealed bilateral cerebral white matter hypodensities. At autopsy, the brain demonstrated a leukodystrophy affecting predominantly the cerebral hemispheres and characterized by demyelination, and cytoplasmic pigment deposits in oligodendroglia and astrocytes. The pigment had the staining properties of ceroid-lipofuschin and on ultrastructural examination was composed of membrane-bound lipid and electron-dense inclusions which had a fingerprint-like pattern. Similar pigment inclusions were not observed on ultrastructural examination of renal, splenic or hepatic tissue obtained at autopsy. The brain biopsy contained cerebral cortex with sparse subcortical white matter in which a few oligodendroglia and fewer astrocytes at the grey/white junctions showed cytoplasmic pigmentary inclusions identical to those described above. However, due to the paucity of white matter in the specimen a definite diagnosis of orthochromatic leukodystrophy with pigmented glia was not made.
Conclusions:The diagnosis of orthochromatic leukodystrophy with pigmented glia and scavenger cells can only be made antemortem if the brain biopsy contains adequate white matter and although a rare condition, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of an adult onset leukodystrophy. RESUME: Une forme adulte rare de leucodystrophie: la leucodystrophie orthochromatique avec nevroglie pigmentee. Introduction: La leucodystrophie orthochromatique avec presence de nevroglie pigmentee et de phagocytes est une leucodystrophie rare d'etiologie inconnue. Methodes: Nous decrivons le cas d'un homme de 42 ans qui avait une histoire de depression, de demence et de parkinsonisme ayant les caracteristiques anatomopathologiques de la leucodystrophie orthochromatique avec cellules pigmentees. Nous revisons l'histoire clinique et l'anatomopathologie des tissus preleves a l'autopsie ainsi que du materiel obtenu par biopsie. Resultats: L'imagerie a revele des zones hypodenses de la substance blanche dans les deux hemispheres. A l'autopsie, le cerveau presentait une leucodystrophie atteignant surtout les hemispheres et caracterisee par une demyelinisation et des depots cytoplasmiques de pigment dans I'oligodendroglie et dans les astrocytes. Le pigment avait les proprietes tinctoriales de la ceroid-lipofuscine et Pexamen ultra structural a montre qu'il etait compose de lipides lies a la membrane et d'inclusions opaques aux electrons qui avaient un motif d'empreinte digitale. Des inclusions de pigment similaires n'ont pas ete observees a l'examen ultra structural de tissu renal, splenique ou hepatique obtenu a l'autopsie. La biopsie du c...