Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is a common, locally invasive epithelial malignancy of skin and its appendages. Every year, close to 10 million people get diagnosed with BCC worldwide. While the histology of this lesion is mostly predictable, some of the rare histological variants such as cystic, adenoid, morpheaform, infundibulocystic, pigmented and miscellaneous variants (clear-cell, signet ring cell, granular, giant cell, adamantanoid, schwannoid) are even rarer, accounting for <10% of all BCC's. Adenoid BCC (ADBCC) is a very rare histopathological variant with reported incidence of only approximately 1.3%. The clinical appearance of this lesion can be a pigmented or non-pigmented nodule or ulcer without predilection for any particular site. We share a case report of ADBCC, a rare histological variant of BCC that showed interesting features not only histologically but also by clinically mimicking a benign lesion.