Dermoscopy is a noninvasive diagnostic technique that permits the visualization of morphologic features that are not visible to the naked eye. It is currently widely used for examination of pigmented skin lesions and early detection of cutaneous melanoma. Dermoscopy of mucous membranes is significantly less investigated and less popular among clinicians.This article reviews current knowledge about characteristic dermoscopy features of pigmented lesions of the oral mucous membranes and lips. It has to emphasized that a major advantage of dermoscopy is the capability to exclude melanoma and avoid unnecessary excisional biopsies and extensive surgery, often resulting in significant disfigurement of face and oral cavity.It has to be pointed out that there is a necessity to intensify research, which would result in clear-cut dermoscopy criteria for mucosal melanoma and the need for constructing thin, flexible dermoscopes suitable for investigation of oral mucous membranes. Dermoscopy is a noninvasive diagnostic technique that permits the visualization of morphologic features that are not visible to the naked eye. It is currently widely used for examination of pigmented skin lesions and early detection of cutaneous melanoma. 1,2 Despite increasing popularity in examination of skin lesion, the methods remains unpopular in investigating pigmented lesions oral mucous membranes and lips.
Dermoscopy of pigmented oral lesionsPigmented mucosal lesions represent a group of rare entities differing in etiopathogenesis, histology, dermoscopy and clinical course. Solitary pigmented lesions of melanocytic origin are uncommon in the oral mucosa. These lesions include the oral and labial melanotic macules, oral melanocytic nevi, oral melanoacanthomas and oral melanomas. 3 As shown by Buchner et al 4 oral and labial melanotic macules are the most common melanocytic lesions. The relative frequency of oral melanoma accounts for 0.6% of the entire melanocytic group of oral pigmented lesions (Table 1). Despite low frequency, early detection of melanoma is the main aim of dermoscopic examinations of the oral mucous membranes and the lip. An additional benefit of dermoscopy is exclusion of melanoma of the oral mucous membranes or the lip in doubtful cases, what may save patients the discomfort of extensive and unnecessary surgery.In this paper, we review current knowledge about dermoscopy of pigmented lesions localized on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and the semi-mucosa of lips. Table 1 Relative frequency of oral solitary melanocytic lesions. 4