Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) is a rare proliferative disorder of an uncertain origin belonging to benign synovial dystrophies, characterized by villous or nodular hyperplasia of the synovium. 1,2 There are mainly two types of PVNS: the first affects the synovium of a joint diffusely, whereas the second localized form focally involves the synovium about a tendon sheath. 1,3 The diffuse form is usually monoarticular, affecting large joints such as knees, hips, ankles, shoulders, and elbows. 1,4 But PVNS rarely involves the axial skeletal system. 5-7 Within the spine, lumbar localizations are the less encountered. Thus, their description in the literature is only restricted to some case reports. 1,7 In this paper, we report a new case of a PVNS of the lumbar spine and try to review different epidemiologic, clinic, radiologic, and therapeutic features related to this pathologic entity.