The design and financial support for this study was provided by AbbVie. AbbVie participated in data analysis, interpretation of data, review, and approval of the manuscript. Coyne and Gries are employees of Evidera- Evidence, Value & Access by PPD and were paid scientific consultants for AbbVie in connection with this study. Soliman, Castelli-Hayley, and Snabes are AbbVie employees and may own AbbVie stock or stock options. Surrey is affiliated with Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine and was paid by AbbVie as a consultant for this project. Surrey serves as a consultant for AbbVie outside of this project. All authors participated in data analysis and interpretation, and contributed to the development of the manuscript. The authors maintained control over the final contents of the manuscript and the decision to publish. Study concept and design were contributed by Soliman, Coyne, Gries, and Castelli-Haley. Soliman, Castelli-Haley, Coyne, and Gries collected the data, and data interpretation was performed by Snabes, Surrey, Soliman, Coyne, and Gries. The manuscript was written and revised by Soliman, Coyne, and Gries, along with the other authors.