The approach to breast masses in children differs from that in adults in many ways, including the differential diagnostic considerations, imaging algorithm and appropriateness of biopsy as a means of further characterization. Most pediatric breast masses are benign, either related to breast development or benign neoplastic processes. Biopsy is rarely needed and can damage the developing breast; thus radiologists must be familiar with the imaging appearance of common entities so that biopsies are judiciously recommended. The purpose of this article is to describe the imaging appearances of the normally developing pediatric breast as well as illustrate the imaging findings of a spectrum of diseases, including those that are benign (fibroadenoma, juvenile papillomatosis, pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia, gynecomastia, abscess and fat necrosis), malignant (breast carcinoma and metastases), and have variable malignant potential (phyllodes tumor).