Pilomatricoma/ Pilomatrixoma/ Benign calcifying tumor of Malherbe is an uncommon tumor of hair matrix origin, most commonly occurs in head and neck region and upper extremities. It has a wide morphological and clinical spectrum and can pose a diagnostic difficulty especially in cases with unusual clinical presentation. We report five cases of Pilomatrixoma, The diagnosis is made only after histopathology in both cases. In first case the women presented with swelling in the back of neck, clinically thought to be lipoma, no FNAC was done; excisional biopsy was done and sent for histopathology and report revealed to be Pilomatricoma. In second case the women presented with post hysterectomy, with pelvic abscess and incidentally during a midline incision was made a hard mass was felt after rectus sheath was dissected attached to peritoneum, sent for histopathology and revealed to be Pilomatricoma.