Objectives: Breast cancer is the prime reason for mortality due to cancer in women across the globe and India. Early screening to identify breast abnormality before the actual symptoms are visible, is the only effective way of reducing associated mortality. Breast thermography, which is a non-invasive, painless, non-toxic, and cost-effective method, can potentially be used for early screening, especially to identify lesions in dense breasts.Methods: The current study is a single-center preliminary thermography based study of 5 malignant and 7 benign female subjects that highlights the correlation of thermal, statistical, and fractal features obtained from thermograms (malignant and benign), with the clinical characteristics of the patients.Results: Comparison of mean surface temperatures of 12 subjects shows that the contralateral breast temperature difference is more than 0.5˚C for malignant cases, whereas, for benign cases, the value is between 0 to 0.2˚C. Also, the fractal dimension of the hot spot boundary in the malignant breast side is greater than the corresponding fractal dimension on the contralateral side.
Conclusion:The proposed study is able to identify malignancy in dense breasts cases and benign cases requiring follow-up after screening to reduce the chances of breast cancer progression.
Background Breast cancer [1][2][3] is one of the commonly found cancers in women worldwide. Screening and diagnosis at the initial stage of breast cancer is the only effective way to lower the mortality rate. Breast thermography [4][5][6][7] is a potential adjunct screening tool to existing diagnostic methods like mammography, ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This method quanti es the surface temperature of the human body by capturing infra-red radiations emitted by the body surface, using Infrared cameras. The growth of cancerous cells can cause an increase in surface temperature due to pathophysiological changes, i.e. metabolic and vascular changes [8]. Increased metabolic activity results in increased biochemical signaling [9][10]. Change in microvasculature includes the building of new capillary blood vessels (angiogenesis) and vasodilation of blood vessels already present. This can result in a temperature rise [11][12] in cancerous tissue when compared with normal tissue. Existing diagnostic methods like mammography, which is the gold standard technique, have certain limitations like (1) increased chances of cancer with repeated exposure (2) painful method, and (3) not effective for young women having dense breast tissue [13]. MRI is a very effective technique for cancer screening but it is costly and may cause allergic reactions to the patient due to the usage of contrast agents.Clinical breast examination (CBE) is also one of the low-cost key steps in early breast cancer detection when combined with other imaging modalities [14]. Breast thermography is a non-invasive, radiation-free, cost-effective, portable, and contact-less potential screening method for monitoring breast abnormalities. I...