“…The Education speed panel discussed the use of innovative technology in medical and patient education, with salient suggestions as follows: - Identify an inclusive group of stakeholders for cardio-oncology education, including medical and graduate students, residents, fellows, hematologists/oncologists, cardiologists, primary care physicians, advanced practice providers, pharmacists, and other cardiovascular team members across subspecialties in heart failure, heart rhythm, interventional cardiology, cardio-oncology, and so on, as well as our patients;
- Develop innovative case-based cardio-oncology education not only at the fellow level, but also at the resident, medical student, and staff level;
- Use virtual platforms to expand the reach of conferences that have traditionally been restricted to in-person learning, with future integration of simulations and rich media;
- Determine the best technology platforms to deliver education (e.g., Twitter journal clubs, educational apps, recorded CME events, real-time streaming events);
- Use patient portals before and after clinic or hospital visits to ascertain patient reported outcomes and then deliver tailored patient education, resources, and health care team access;
- Create and utilize of mobile apps to collect patient reported information and deliver patients ongoing education in frequent but smaller quantities [ 42 ];
- Advance connected care with Long Term Evolution (LTE)-enabled (i.e., 4G wireless broadband) remote monitoring to increase equitable access, optimize outpatient management, and reduce hospitalizations [ 43 , 44 ];
- Facilitate self-advocacy to encourage healthy lifestyle behaviors (e.g., message reminders to exercise and personalized videos for self-care before, during, and after cancer treatment), with potential to improve outcomes;
- Emulate innovative behavioral modeling video enactment customized for patients to improve self-efficacy for future behavior change;
- Promote existing patient-directed digital educational formats such as CardioSmart ;
- Translate oncology practice guidelines in easy to understand and readily accessible interactive formats via mobile apps accessed by both health care professionals and patients.