We show that the bar version of the Pinp2q-monopole Floer homology of a threemanifold Y equipped with a self-conjugate spin c structure s is determined by the triple cup product of Y together with the Rokhlin invariants of the spin structures inducing s. This is a manifestation of mod 2 index theory, and can be interpreted as a three-dimensional counterpart of Atiyah's classic results regarding spin structures on Riemann surfaces.In [Lin15a] we introduced for each closed oriented three-manifold pY, sq equipped with a self-conjugate spin c structure (i.e. s "s) the Pinp2q-monopole Floer homology groups HS˚pY, sq,x HS˚pY, sq, x HS˚pY, sq.These are graded modules over the ring R " FrV, Qs{Q 3 , where V and Q have degrees respectively´4 and´1, and F is the field with two elements. To define them, one exploits the Pinp2q " S 1 Y j¨S 1 Ă H symmetry of the Seiberg-Witten equations, and in the case b 1 pY q " 0 they are the analogue of Manolescu's invariants ([Man16]) in the context of Kronheimer and Mrowka's monopole Floer homology ([KM07]). In particular, they can be used to provide an alternative disproof of the Triangulation conjecture. We refer the reader to [Lin16] for a friendly introduction to the construction, and to [Man13] for a survey on the Triangulation conjecture.In the present paper, we will focus on the simplest of the three invariants, HS˚pY, sq. This only involves reducible solutions and, heuristically, it computes the homology of the boundary of the moduli space of configurations. It is shown in [KM07] that their monopole Floer homology HM˚pY, sq is determined entirely by the triple cup productThis is a key step in the proof of their non-vanishing theorem (Corollary 35.1.3 in [KM07]), which is in turn one of the main ingredients of Taubes' proof of the Weinstein conjecture in dimension 3, see [Tau07]. In our set-up, recall that there is a natural map tspin structuresu Ñ tself-conjugate spin c structuresu which is surjective and has fibers of cardinality 2 b 1 pY q . This should be compared to the Bockstein sequencë¨¨Ý Ñ H 1 pY ; Zq ÝÑ H 1 pY ; Fq ÝÑ H 2 pY ; Zq¨2 ÝÑ H 2 pY ; Zq ÝѨ¨¨, which implies that the set of spin structures inducing s (which we denote by Spinpsq) is an affine space over H 1 pY ; Zq b F. We will denote an element of Spinpsq by s. For each spin 1 arXiv:1708.07879v1 [math.GT]