DOI: 10.1016/j.mambio.2012.04.001
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Pine marten (Martes martes) distribution and abundance in Ireland: A cross-jurisdictional analysis using non-invasive genetic survey techniques

Abstract: a b s t r a c tOn the Island of Ireland, pine martens (Martes martes) exist at the western edge of their global geographic range in the least forested region of Europe. The species has undergone substantial declines in abundance and distribution during the 20th century. Here, we report on the first cross-jurisdictional (Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland) survey that aimed to investigate current pine marten distribution, assess any recent historical change and provide preliminary estimates of population … Show more

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Cited by 20 publications
(9 citation statements)
References 33 publications
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“…), which is also reported in other pine marten populations (e.g. Balestrieri et al 2010;O'Mahony et al 2012), this could re-establish genetic exchange between some isolated populations identified in our study. However, the identified barriers for dispersal could seriously hamper this recolonization process.…”
Section: Implications For Conservation and Connectivity Restorationsupporting
confidence: 90%
“…), which is also reported in other pine marten populations (e.g. Balestrieri et al 2010;O'Mahony et al 2012), this could re-establish genetic exchange between some isolated populations identified in our study. However, the identified barriers for dispersal could seriously hamper this recolonization process.…”
Section: Implications For Conservation and Connectivity Restorationsupporting
confidence: 90%
“…Grey polygons represent 95% confidence intervals. 1996, O'Mahony et al 2012, Croose et al 2013. In order to maximise scope for comparison and illustrate the cost-efficiency of our more rigorous approach we used a field sampling design similar to O'Mahony et al 2012 and Croose et al 2013.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Considering detectability is particularly important for cryptic species that occur at low densities such as carnivores (Karanth et al 2011). Current monitoring of pine marten populations in Britain and Ireland is based upon establishing its presence in hectad (100 km 2 ) sampling units based on the detection of scats along typically a single transect (Balharry et al 1996, O'Mahony et al 2012, Croose et al 2013. Determining the species of origin of carnivore scats found during surveys can be inaccurate in the field, for this reason genetic techniques are often used to confirm species identity where misidentification rates are deemed to be non-trivial (Sarre et al 2013).…”
confidence: 99%
“…Se considera que la técnica de fototrampeo adaptada al muestreo específico de marta ha demostrado una gran eficacia, obteniéndose gran cantidad de registros de la especie objetivo con un esfuerzo relativamente pequeño, y se recomienda la utilización de esta técnica para definir el área de distribución actual de especies esquivas como la marta, ya que permite obtener registros verificables en lugar de basarse en informes históricos o anecdóticos (Kucera et al 1995a. Además, tal y como señalan diversos autores (Bartolommei et al 2012, Croose et al 2019, el fototrampeo presenta ventajas sobre otros métodos invasivos como el trampeo y marcaje de individuos (O'Mahony 2013), que implica el manejo y anestesia de los ejemplares, lo que representa un peligro para estos (Lynch et al 2006, Sirén et al 2016, y sobre otras técnicas no invasivas como la búsqueda de excrementos (Birks et al 2004, O'Mahony 2012, en el que es fácil la confusión entre especies (Lynch et al 2006, Sheehy et al 2013, o las trampas de pelo para estudios genéticos (Mowat & Paetkau 2002, O'Mahony et al 2107, mucho más costosos económicamente (Rosellini et al 2008, Croose et al 2019.…”
Section: Discussionunclassified