The transversity Generalized Parton Distributions (tGPDs) and related transversity form factors of the pion are evaluated in chiral quark models, both local (Nambu-Jona-Lasinio) and nonlocal, involving a momentum-dependent quark mass. The obtained tGPDs satisfy all a priori formal requirements, such as the proper support, normalization, and polynomiality. We evaluate generalized transversity form factors accessible from the recent lattice QCD calculations. These form factors, after the necessary QCD evolution, agree very well with the lattice data, confirming the fact that the spontaneously broken chiral symmetry governs the structure of the pion also in the case of the transversity observables.This presentation is based on our two recent papers [13,29], where more results and details may be found. The tGPDs are the least-explored Generalized Parton Distributions (for extensive reviews see [3,6,31] and references therein). For the quark sector they correspond to the hadronic matrix elements of the tensor quark bilinears,q(x)σ μν q(0), and are the maximum-helicity chirally odd objects. Information on these rather elusive entities comes from the recent lattice determination [7] of the pion transversity form factors (tFFs), defined via This study was presented by