Calculations have been performed to explore the effect of configuration mixing in a large basis on the fragmentation of "stretched" M6 strength in the sd-shell nuclei Ne, Mg, Si, S, and Ar. This work elaborates on results for Si given previously, extends those calculations to neighboring N = Z nuclei with the same basis restriction (one particle in the 1frlq orbit and up to four particles in the 1dslq orbit) used in that earlier paper, and examines all self-conjugate sd-shell nuclei in a basis with one particle in the 1f7t2 orbit and unrestricted occupancy of the sd-shell orbits. It is found that configuration mixing in a large basis reproduces interesting features of the spectrum for Si arid S and gives an improved description of other properties of the observed 6 states, but fails to describe the observed spectrum in Mg. Emphasis is placed on the location of additional obser vable fragmen ts of the M 6 response.PACS number(s): 21.10. Re, 27.30.+t, 21.60.Cs, 23.20.Js