We report asymmetries in the forward-angle difFerential cross sections for pion single-chargeexchange scattering from oriented and unoriented Ho nuclei. These asymmetries are directly related to the neutron deformation of a nucleus that has a large charge quadrupole moment. The measured asymmetry extrapolated to 0' is -0.020 6 0.024. In the model of Chiang and Johnson, this value implies a quadrupole deformation ratio P2/Pz = 0.84+0.08, indicating that the excess neutrons are less deformed than the protons. This result conSicts with the predictions of the best available Hartree-Fock models based on Skyrme interactions. We also report on asymmetries of the nonresonant continuum and of the giant dipole resonances.Elastic electron-scattering experiments provide the best systematic information on the nuclear shapes in that, to 6rst order, the momentum-transfer dependence of the cross sections is the Fourier transforxn of the charge distribution. Auxiliary information and constraints are also obtained kom inelastic-scattering experiments for which, within the &amework of vibrational or rotational models, the cross sections are proportional to the squares of the Pr, coefBcients. The quadrupole deformation moment Pz 0556-2813/94/50(2)/909