Traditional approaches to protein-protein docking sample the binding modes with no regard to similar experimentally determined structures (templates) of protein-protein complexes. Emerging template-based docking approaches utilize such similar complexes to determine the docking predictions. The docking problem assumes the knowledge of the participating proteins' structures. Thus, it provides the possibility of aligning the structures of the proteins and the template complexes. The progress in the development of template-based docking and the vast experience in template-based modeling of individual proteins show that, generally, such approaches are more reliable than the free modeling. The key aspect of this modeling paradigm is the availability of the templates. The current common perception is that due to the difficulties in experimental structure determination of protein-protein complexes, the pool of docking templates is insignificant, and thus a broad application of template-based docking is possible only at some future time. The results of our large scale, systematic study show that, surprisingly, in spite of the limited number of proteinprotein complexes in the Protein Data Bank, docking templates can be found for complexes representing almost all the known proteinprotein interactions, provided the components themselves have a known structure or can be homology-built. About one-third of the templates are of good quality when they are compared to experimental structures in test sets extracted from the Protein Data Bank and would be useful starting points in modeling the complexes. This finding dramatically expands our ability to model protein interactions, and has far-reaching implications for the protein docking field in general.protein modeling | protein recognition | structural bioinformatics | structure alignment P rotein-protein interactions (PPI) are a key component of life processes at the molecular level, and the number detected in genome-wide studies is fast growing. We want to understand their properties and be able to manipulate them for structure-based drug design. For this purpose, we must characterize PPI structurally, but their study by X-ray and NMR methods is demanding and slow, and computational methods appear to be a necessary complement.The structural predictions of PPI generally rely on docking procedures that can be roughly divided into: (i) template-free docking, where many or all the possible binding modes of two proteins are explored with no a priori knowledge of the structure of the complex, and (ii) template-based docking, where the similarity with previously known complexes determines the prediction. Template-free docking methods rely on the geometric and chemicalphysical complementarity of the protein surfaces (1), now often supplemented by statistical potentials (2, 3), and subject to a variety of constraints (4). The template-free modeling can also be applied to prediction of domain-domain structures (5, 6). The Critical Assessment of Predicted Interactions (CAPRI) blind predi...