18Endogenous retroviruses and LTR retrotransposons are mobile genetic elements that 19 are closely related to retroviruses. Desilenced endogenous retroviruses are associated 20 with human autoimmune disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. C. elegans and 21 related Caenorhabdites contain LTR retrotransposons and, as described here, 22 numerous integrated viral genes including viral envelope genes that are part of LTR 23 retrotransposons. We found that both LTR retrotransposons and endogenous viral 24 elements are silenced by ADARs (adenosine deaminases acting on double-stranded 25 RNA (dsRNA)) together with the endogenous RNAi factor ERI-6/7, a homolog of Mov10 26 helicase, a retrotransposon and retrovirus restriction factor in human. siRNAs 27 Transposons can have profound effects on cellular function such as disruption of gene 53 function by transposon insertion, cell death as a consequence of transposon-induced 54 double stranded breaks, and genomic rearrangements caused by homologous 55 recombination between repeat elements. Retrotransposons and endogenous 56 retroviruses may affect cellular function through overexpression of toxic proteins or the 57 activity of retroviral proteins on endogenous sequences. Palindromic repeat elements 58 such as those formed by adjacent but inverted insertion of vertebrate Alu elements 59 into genes can cause the accumulation of dsRNA. 60 Many RNA viruses replicate via a dsRNA intermediate, which is detected to 61 trigger an interferon-based antiviral response in mammals and an RNA interference 62 response in invertebrates. To avoid an anti-viral response to endogenous palindromic 63 dsRNAs when in fact there is no viral infection, ADARs edit adenosines to inosines in 64 endogenous dsRNA destabilizing the RNA duplex and thus preventing recognition by 65