Abstract-The generation of a hybrid musical instrument sound using morphing has always been an area of great interest to the music world. The proposed method exploits the temporal and spectral shape features of the sound for this purpose. For an effective morphing the temporal and spectral features are found as they can capture the most perceptually salient dimensions of timbre perception, namely, the attack time and the distribution of spectral energy. A wide variety of sound synthesis algorithms is currently available. Sound synthesis methods have become more computationally efficient. Wave table synthesis is widely adopted by digital sampling instruments or samplers. The Over Lap Add method (OLA) refers to a family of algorithms that produce a signal by properly assembling a number of signal segments. In granular synthesis sound is considered as a sequence with overlaps of elementary acoustic elements called grains. The simplest morph is a cross-fade of amplitudes in the time domain which can be obtained through cross synthesis. A hybrid sound is generated with all these methods to find out which method gives the most linear morph. The result will be evaluated as an error measure which is the difference between the calculated and interpolated features. The extraction of morph in a perceptually pleasant manner is the ultimate requirement of the work.