In four experiments, the accumulation, over time, of a tendency to hear separate high and low streams in a sequence of high (H) and low (L)tones, presented in a galloping rhythm (HLH-HLH-...), was studied. Each trial was composed of two parts, an induction sequence, then a test sequence, with no break between them. The test sequence was always heard at the far left. When the induction sequence and the test sequence were identical, the presence of the induction sequence increased the tendency for the test sequence to split into two streams. However, when the sequences differed in location (cued by differences in interaural timing or intensity over headphones and by loudspeaker placement in a free field) or when they differed in loudness, the accumulation of the segregative tendency was reset, and the test sequence sounded more integrated. When the induction sequence changed in location or loudness in gradual steps toward the value of the test sequence, resetting was much less. It appears that the accumulation of information about streams in different frequency regions is sensitive to sudden changes in parameters, even when they affect the frequency regions equally. This prevents the system from accumulating data across unrelated events.It has been known for some time that the tendency for a listener to segregate a sequence of alternating high and low tones into separate high and low streams increases as the sequence continues (Anstis & Saida, 1985;Bregman, 1978). This cumulative effect and the stream segregation effect itselfhave been explained by some authors as being due to the fact that repeated high-low and low-high transitions habituate neural processes that detect frequency transitions (Anstis & Saida, 1985;van Noorden, 1975). Anstis and Saida also reported that a sudden shift of an alternating sequence ofhigh and low tones from one side of the head to the other led to the temporary loss of separate high and low streams. It appeared that the segregative tendency had been reset and had to build up anew at the new location. Their explanation was that the buildup of segregation was specific to a particular pool of neurons that detected frequency transitions and that those stimulated by the left-and right-ear signals were different. The same resetting of segregation was found when the alternating high-low sequence was changed abruptly to a new frequency region; this supported the idea that each region had its own frequency transition detectors.Rogers and Bregman (1993) used a new paradigm to study the buildup of the strength of the tendency to segregate higher and lower tones into separate streams. They used an alternation of a high (H) and a low (L) tone in a galloping rhythm, which can be schematized as follows: HLH-HLH-HLH-... , where a dash represents a silence equal in length to a tone (100 msec). Each trial was divided into two parts, a long induction sequence and a short test sequence. The test sequence (1.2 sec long) followed the induction sequence (4.8-8 sec long) with no delay. All the test sequences ...