In this paper, with motivation from [30] and the considerable interest in stationary chi-processes, we derive asymptotic joint distributions of maxima of stationary strongly dependent chi-processes on a continuous time and an uniform grid on the real axis. Our findings extend those for Gaussian cases and give three involved dependence structures via the strongly dependence condition and the sparse, Pickands and dense grids.The impetus for this investigation comes from numerical simulations of high extremes of continuous time random processes, see e.g., [15,30,37] for Gaussian processes, [16] for the storage process with fractional Brownian motion, [13,38,39] for stationary vector Gaussian processes and standardized stationary Gaussian processes, and [41] for stationary processes. It is shown in the aforementioned contributions that the dependence between continuous time extremes and discrete time extremes is determined strongly by the sampling frequency δ and the normalization constants, see also for related discussions [5,20,31,32,41] in the financial and time series literature. Another motivation is that since the chi-processes appear naturally as limiting processes which have