“…Many neural targets of the ventral subiculum have been implicated in inhibition of neuroendocrine, autonomic or behavioural responses to cognitive stressors, including the medial prefrontal cortex (cingulate gyrus) (95, 96) [but see also (97)], olfactory tubercle (98, 99), ventral subdivision of the lateral septum (86, 100–105), medial or ventral BNST (106), posterior intermediate and/or posterior medial BNST (93, 107), habenula (108), medial mammillary nucleus (109), medial preoptic area (93, 110), anterior hypothalamic area (93, 111), dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus and adjacent posterior hypothalamic area (93, 111, 112), peri‐PVN zone and perifornical nucleus (93). In many cases, lesions of these structures result in enhanced corticosterone secretion following exteroceptive, but not interoceptive, stressors (88, 89, 95, 113, 114).…”