The Popocatepetl volcano has increased its activity since the 1991 affecting the environmental conditions of its surroundings. The concentration of Z > 12 elements were measured on pine tree rings from forests in Paso de Cortés, located at 6 km from the volcano's crater. The analysis was done by simultaneous PIXE-RBS using an external proton beam on tree rings of Pinus montezumae. In order to understand the effects originated by eruptions in those near forests this study provides information about the elemental concentration in pines of this region during the years from 1974 to 2004. The tree rings composition exhibit an increment tendency for P, S and K concentrations since 1991. The metallic elements Mn, Fe and Cu do not present significant variations or a clear behavior with the time. These results indicate that changes in the pines elemental compositions are more related to gaseous volcanic exhalations of the Popocatepetl than to its ash emissions. A decrease in the Zn content related to the S increment is observed. The Zn decrement began to be registered around 8 years before the volcano raised its activity and this effect is due to the micronutrients mobility through the tree trunk. From this result it is possible to establish that for dendrochronology studies in pines using elemental minerals with Z > 20, changes in the environment can be comparable only by intervals of 7 to 8 years.