We show that the 3D charged Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli (BTZ) black hole solution interpolates between two different 2D AdS spacetimes: a near-extremal, nearhorizon AdS 2 geometry with constant dilaton and U(1) field and an asymptotic AdS 2 geometry with a linear dilaton. Thus, the charged BTZ black hole can be considered as interpolating between the two different formulations proposed until now for AdS 2 quantum gravity. In both cases the theory is the chiral half of a 2D CFT and describes, respectively, Brown-Hennaux-like boundary deformations and near-horizon excitations. The central charge c as of the asymptotic CFT is determined by 3D Newton constant G and the AdS length l, c as = 3l/G, whereas that of the near-horizon CFT also depends on the U(1) charge Q, c nh ∝ lQ/ √ G.