This article focuses on a specific discussion regarding how rural planning in Indonesia can provide an understanding of deliberative planning practice. It contributes to the literature related to deliberative planning in a non-western rural context. Primary data were collected from interviews with 23 respondents in Pematang Tengah village, Indonesia. Secondary data, consisting of scientific literature, research reports, and internet sources, were used, as well. Observations were conducted to reveal the way development projects are practically proposed in hamlet and village forums. Different stages of the process were identified and it was concluded that two deliberative mechanisms were used, more precisely directed deliberation and disjointed deliberation. Directed deliberation is an open dialogue that is overseen by all stakeholders. Alternatively, disjointed deliberation is conducted in a separate, informal arena and it is initiated by the local elites. The findings show that the disjointed deliberation in the informal arena can disturb the deliberative ideals, but it can also help to make the formal deliberation successful and fulfil the deliberative ideals.