16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 42 cytokine induction in YFV-infected hepatocytes, in a stress granule-independent manner. Therefore, by 43 showing the uncoupling of the early cytokine response from the stress granules formation, our model 44 challenges the current view by which stress granules are required for the mounting of the acute antiviral 45 response. 46 47 48 in human hepatocytes infected with YFV. We show that YFV infection promotes the formation of 54 cytoplasmic structures, termed stress granules, in a PKR-, but not RIG-I-dependent manner. Whilst stress 55 granules were previously postulated to be essential platforms for immune activation, we found that they are 56 not required for pro-inflammatory mediators' production upon YFV infection. Collectively, our work 57 uncovered molecular events triggered by the replication of YFV, which could prove instrumental in 58 clarifying the pathogenesis of the disease, with possible repercussions on disease management. 59 60 61 101 undergo a conformational change, which allows interaction with the adaptor protein MAVS and 102 subsequent recruitment of signaling complexes that comprises protein kinases such as TBK1, IKKα, 103 IKKβ and IKKε (14). These events lead to the activation and nuclear translocation of the transcription 104 factors IRF3 and NF-κB, which stimulate the rapid expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and type 105 I interferons (IFNs). 106 RIG-I plays an important role in initiating the IFN-mediated antiviral response against DENV and 107 ZIKV (15-18). Induction of cytokines upon infection with the vaccine strain of YFV is also mediated 108 129 antiviral nature (27, 28, 30). Here, we investigated the role of RIG-I, PKR and stress granules in the 130 induction of inflammatory cytokines upon infection of hepatoma cells with YFV.