Onomastics, although an autonomous discipline, overlaps the subject matter of many other disciplines since name use is central to human activity. In its subfield of terminologies or nomenclatures; moreover, onomastics relates to every discipline, subject field, and activity that human beings pursue: We are a species that categorizes and labels. To illustrate this point, we consider briefly the interconnections of onomastics with a number of other disciplines and then look more particularly at the role of placename study as a cross-disciplinary activity.
Names, Poetry, and MakingThe mass of men are very unpoetic, yet that Adam that names things is always a poet. Thoreau, Journal, 1853. poet [ME., fro MF poete, fro Lpoeta, fr. Gkpoietes maker, poet, fro poiein to make] -Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary.