The incidence of placenta accreta/percreta should rise steadily over the next century as the frequency of cesarean sections and advanced maternal age, both independent risk factors, increases. Patients who are at risk should be identified. The diagnosis of placenta previa accreta/percreta is possible by using gray-scale sonography, conventional color Doppler imaging and MRI through studying the relation of placenta to the uterine wall and nearby pelvic structures.
The potentially new modality of 3D and 3D color power Doppler ultrasound has it's value as a tool to achieve significantly increased diagnostic accuracy in the prediction of massive hemorrhage by assessing the extent, location and quantification of abnormal uteroplacental neovascularization. Hence, 3D ultrasound has the potential for providing additional information over conventional 2D ultrasound studies in the diagnosis of placenta previa percreta.
The diagnosis and anticipation of the problem achieve the best results for the obstetrician and the patient.