on behalf of the LISA study group Allergens and endotoxin on mothers9 mattresses and total immunoglobulin E in cord blood of neonates. J. Heinrich, G. Bolte, B.Hölscher, J. Douwes, I. Lehmann, B. Fahlbusch, W. Bischof, M. Weiss, M. Borte, H-E. Wichmann, on behalf of the LISA study group. #ERS Journals Ltd 2002. ABSTRACT: The current authors examined whether mite and cat allergen and bacterial endotoxin levels in dust of the mothers9 mattresses were associated with cord blood immunoglobulin (Ig)E (CB-IgE) levels in newborns.Data from 1,332 term and normal weight neonates, from an ongoing birth cohort study, Influences of life-style related factors on the immune system and the development of allergies in childhood (LISA), with complete information on exposure to biocontaminants in mattress dust and CB-IgE were analysed. (4th quartile) were chosen as cut-offs. Nonparametric smoothing (generalised additive models) showed statistically significant confounder-adjusted associations between elevated CB-IgE levels (o0.45 kU?L -1 ) and log-transformed exposures to cat (linear), mite (inverse u-shaped), and endotoxin (u-shaped).After adjustment for covariables, elevated CB-IgE levels (logistic regression using the 1st-4th quartiles of exposure) were positively associated with high cat-allergen exposure and medium exposure to mite allergen, but were inversely associated with exposure to endotoxin. The associations were similar, but somewhat weaker, when 0.35 kU?L -1 was used as cut-off. These results, showing an association between prenatal allergen and endotoxin exposures and immunoglobulin E production, suggest that the development of foetal immune responses may be affected.