Small-molecule organic semiconductors exhibit great potential for the photoelectrochemical oxidation of water because of their n-type semiconductor nature and their tunable bandgaps. In this work, several head-to-tail bis-coumarins were synthesized and their photophysical properties characterized. Their characteristics as n-type semiconductors were modified by varying the electronic character of substituents at positions 1a nd 7, which enabled the energy level of the LUMO and the photoinduced charge-carrier-transfer efficiency to be modulated.X -Ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy confirmed that the charge transfer is ac rucial factor contributing to the resulting activity of the photoanode. The photoactivity of the photoanodes towards water oxidation was revealed to be governed by both the LUMO energy level and transfer efficiency of the photoinduced charge carriers. Amongt he studied molecules, ab is-coumarin with benzothiophenyl substituents showed the greatest potential as light absorber for photoelectrochemicalw ater oxidation. Solar irradiation, as ar enewable and inexhaustible energy source,h as significant potential to replace carbon-based fuels, which currentlya re the major energy source for humanity. [1] However,t he low efficiency in the conversion of solar energy to usable energy sourcesh as hindered developments thus far. The proposition of af easible strategy to increaset he efficiency of solar energy conversion is, therefore, of paramount importance. Among various approaches, photoelectrochemical water splitting is ap romising, versatile technique to realize the highly efficient conversion of solar energy into chemical fuels. [2] The half reaction at the photoanode [i.e.,oxygen evolution reaction (OER)] is the kineticb arrieri nt his process due to the requirement of af our-electron transfer process (4 OH À ! 2O 2 + 2H 2 O + 4e À ). [3] Furthermore, with respectt ot he photoanode,t he light absorber in chargeo fc onverting the solar energy into chemical potential must be also carefully considered. Several stable semiconductors comprised of abundant elements with wide bandgaps such as TiO 2 , [4] Fe 2 O 3 , [5] and BiVO 4 [6,7] have been fabricated as photoanodes for water oxidation. However,t hese materials still suffer from the limitations of both low photocurrents and photovoltages due to their narrow light-absorption regions. For these reasons, reduction and/or modification of the bandgaph ave become desirable research outcomes over the past few years.Considering that the bandgap reduction and/or modification in inorganic materials is limited, [8] the use of organics mall-molecule dyes offers ap otentials olution to this barrier due to their semiconductor nature and tunable bandgap. [9] In an ideal photoanode for water oxidation, the generated electric field of the n-type semiconductor,t hrough band bending, would facilitate the migration of holes towards the reactive interface. [2] Althougho rganic semiconductors can be categorized into ptype, n-type and ambipolar semicondu...